Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Roll Tide.Us Bama fans haven't been this excited in quite awhile. It was great to see them finally play well in the second half. Hopefully Nick Saban loves Tuscaloosa and plans to stay for the long haul. He has done a great job so far.

Monday, October 27, 2008

Ok, I'm back to try to start blogging again. My biggest problem is over thinking what I want to say. Blogs are "usually" should be spontaneous without much self-editing. Just a report of what you think, see, do, etc.

I'm a runner. It is my zone out and recharge place. There are a few time goals that I have and will be delving into those as the weeks and months go by. Given that I am fairly slow, these are modest goals to many, but a challenge to me. Ultimately, I want to run a sub 50 minute 10k, a sub 2 hour 1/2 marathon and a sub 4 hour marathon.

This past Saturday, I ran a 58:42 10k. Eight minutes and forty two seconds is a *lot* to trim off a 10k race time. My interim goal is 55 minutes within the new two months. I need the right course, the right weather and a little more mental toughness. After I hit 55 minutes, then it will be a steady march down to 50!