Monday, October 27, 2008

Ok, I'm back to try to start blogging again. My biggest problem is over thinking what I want to say. Blogs are "usually" should be spontaneous without much self-editing. Just a report of what you think, see, do, etc.

I'm a runner. It is my zone out and recharge place. There are a few time goals that I have and will be delving into those as the weeks and months go by. Given that I am fairly slow, these are modest goals to many, but a challenge to me. Ultimately, I want to run a sub 50 minute 10k, a sub 2 hour 1/2 marathon and a sub 4 hour marathon.

This past Saturday, I ran a 58:42 10k. Eight minutes and forty two seconds is a *lot* to trim off a 10k race time. My interim goal is 55 minutes within the new two months. I need the right course, the right weather and a little more mental toughness. After I hit 55 minutes, then it will be a steady march down to 50!

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